It was time for a set of brand new cvs and pot joints for the Mini Van. The joints came in a set complete with clips and gaiters .
So the Mini went up on the mini-ramps
Sadly the new clips were really bad quality, so I reused the old ones. They worked fine
The drive shaft looks like a new one with two new joints. Ready for fitting. note that the top(inner) pot joint is fixed in place yet as I find it much easier to fit the pot joint on the differential first and slide the shaft through the hole in the subframe.
The old shock absorbers didn't just look bad, they were bad enough to warrant repolacement.
Pot joint and shaft in place.
Now for some rear brake servicing
New rear brake shoes
Here the collage I made from most of the parts removed from the Van. "Collage" sounds so much better than "Heap of scrap"
New shafts and shock absorbers work fine.