First fix was to replace the handbrake lever.
A new cable to replace the broken one got the drum operational again. Yes, there's only one drum at the back of the transfer case for the handbrake.
Next, the exhaust. I wanted to add an extra hanger under the floor of the Jeep. That meant opening the tool compartment under the passenger seat. I couldn't reach the lid because the seats are mounted over the lid on a frame, so I had to remove the frame and seat. I had never opened this compartment in my fourteen years of ownership, so it was a surprise whatever I found in there. Some previous owner had left a nice multitool and a crank for a jack in there.
Once I was in I could drill a hole and fix the exhaust hanger under the car. Before closing the compartment I cleaned it and flushed it with my own mixture of linseed oil and anti-rust-compound.
Here you see the hanger. The bracket is bolted to the underside and there's a rubber strip to the exhaust. At that time I thought I could get away with a short exhaust stub.
Meanwhile I thought I'd make a simple hand throttle for the Jeep. There was one I liked in the Gipsy, so I copied the general idea. Another bracket with a knob.
This bracket was bolted to the throttle pedal and the knob is at the end of a threaded stud. If you screw in the knob, Idle goes up. Handy at cold starts or for driving very slowly off road. I'll look for a fine knurled knob later.
A test drive convinced me while the handbrake and hand throttle worked fine, the noise from the short exhaust was too much, so I welded parts of the old exhaust back in place. Much better.